Turf Battles: Day 1

Posted by Nion Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dang...this page looks awfully blank right now. Anyhow, AeriaGames acquired Turf Battles and the pre-CB test just started, so I've spent a couple hours today getting the hang of the game. A lot of testers seem to be players from the old version of the game, but there are some other ub3r-n00bs like me floundering around. My first character is a male elf (which they insist on calling a Nephilm) who is a Blue Mage. I haven't played very long, and I've gotten him to level 20 pretty effortlessly. Being in pre-CB, the game is riddled with issues, and there are several things that could be improved upon, but I'm warming up to is as I spend more time playing. One thing I'm really not understanding thus far is the stats...what the heck do mages need strength for? Srsly.

But since it's pre-CB, I've got two total wipes to go before I have to get it right! So here's to experimenting my staff off!

-Nion K.


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